Archive | 07/01/2020

Celebrate His Touch…

Studies show that human touch such as hugging, hand holding, cuddling, and other forms of contact can be beneficial physically, emotionally and spiritually. Hugging induces oxytocin, commonly known as the “bonding hormone.” It is also known to reduce stress, lower cortisol levels and increase a sense of trust and security. Some say that getting a massage (oh, wouldn’t that be nice?) or cuddling with your pet are extremely beneficial as well. During this time of isolation, human contact has been limited and in some cases, especially for those who live alone, completely eliminated. But how thankful we can be that our Heavenly Father has no limitations, no boundaries and no infectious disease…other than His infectious love for you and me demonstrated on the Cross of Jesus Christ! I hope we all catch that one! So cuddle up and enjoy a huge hug from the LORD this month as we Celebrate His Touch! 🤗💖😘